Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wearing Purple, Seeing Red

El Buffoono Grande Et Poco Pene

An effectively leaderless, color-coded protest against the Clown Putz of Europe, Prime Minister -- Silvio! -- Berlusconi, has been taking place in Italy since December of last year. In Georgia, it was the 'Orange Revolution'; in Thailand, the color of protest has been Yellow; and in Italy the color of Anti-Berlusconi is Purple -- and the protesters refer to themselves as 'Purple People'.

Erik Gandini's 2009 Documentary Concerning A Government
Run By A Corrupt Media Mogul; Who Could That Be?

Silvioland Italy -- That's the country where (you may recall) in 2008, a government dominated by Berlusconi’s own center-right party passed a law which insured him immunity from prosecution for any acts committed while in office.

Must Be Cool To Have Your Own Government.

This guy could have sex with Scooby-Do on the Great Altar in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, and not even receive a parking ticket. He could beat someone to death in broad daylight on the Ponte Vecchio and have his bill for cleaning blood from his clothing paid by Italy's taxpayers.

Scooby-Do ia un cane! Egli è infedele, sbavando,furtivamente
e sleale degli animali che ha un impedimento di parola con la lettera R !

This didn't pass Italians, or their court system, unnoticed. In October, 2009, Italy’s highest court ruled that law unconstitutional. As a result, two trials that consider allegations of false accounting and bribery against Silvio! have been reopened.

Since the 'Stay Out Of Jail Free' law was declared unconstitutional, Berlusconi has reacted by publicly accusing various parties of holding “leftist biases" against him -- including Italy’s president, Giorgio Napoletano, the foreign and national press, left-leaning judges, and 'Scooby-Do' (Reggie was not named by the Premier Pene of Europe).

Obligatory Cute Animal Photo In Middle Of Political Thing.

In addition, Silvio!'s government is now trying to shorten the statute of limitations for certain crimes -- the very ones Silvio stands accused of breaking -- so that, if he can stay in office long enough, he could escape prosecution that way!

Hey; the stones on-a this guy, eh? Ha, ha ha; oh, that Silvio!

Suddenly, in December, small groups of people in Rome began wearing Purple clothing as a silent protest against the breadth and depth of their country being ruled by so obvious an Oligarch, and so obviously corrupt. These Grassroots protests swelled from small and silent to large and full-throated: Tens of thousands marched in Rome recently to show exactly what they though of the Clown King who has made a mockery of their country.

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