It just struck me this morning: There's a Commission organized by the President to cut the Federal deficit. It's co-chairmen are former Republican Senator Alan Simpson from Wyoming, and Erskine Bowles, still a Director at Morgan Stanley, a Wall Street investment firm.
Other members are, well, from the Financial community -- the same sad sack of loser banks and investment firms which were handed free money to remain afloat after the Crash in October of 2008. Like Morgan Stanley.

Erskine Bowles, Member Of An Old-Money Family, And Friend
They're recommending a number of things be done to reduce the deficit, which increases the size of the real Monster In The Closet, the National Debt (not having invaded Iraq would have been a good place to start -- Ooopsie; Lil' Boots already snuck that one in, didn't he? Bless his tiny white cotton socks).
The concern among some is that the "changes" they recommend are all aimed at making ordinary people pay for the -- the American form of the "new Austerity" measures which European governments are placing on their own citizens.
Among the things being considered are "changes" to the Social Security system, which amount to cutting or otherwise limiting benefits. A number of commentators have dubbed Little Erskine and Alan's advisory group the "Catfood Commission" -- a metaphor for penury and poverty, because the end result of reducing Social Security benefits to many current and future Seniors, and those on SSI disability, will be to force them to eat cat food: Their Social Security checks won't allow them to buy real meat or fish.
The thought struck me... The President has, in sum, done a less than stellar job with the Economy. The Rightists and Democrats in Congress (more members of the Little Village On The Potomac than representatives of the People) have dithered and made deals and dithered some more.
The end result is that Obama's administration may have screwed the Democrats' chances to hold on to both Houses of Congress -- meaning he may be a one-term President. Hope? Who knows what that was; just another failed dream.
The country, with the help of the Little Rupert Fun Truth Jesus Network; Little Glenn Beck, five years old; Lard Boy, and the screeching Teabag minority, will eventually be handed back to the Rightists.
You thought we had fun during the Go-Go, Lil' Boots Bush years? Wait until you see the America of President Palin. Or President Huckabee. Or President Gingrich. There'll be so much more fun to come. Wonder who we'll invade then? North Korea? Yeah; that'll show those Red Chinese who's boss...
If you elect politicians who are stupid, who are ideologues, who talk not with restraint and reason but the passion and certainty of the fundamentalist -- then you get a government that rules from ignorance, "purity" and "faith". We just had a decade of that.
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