Showing posts with label Give Them Guns And Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Give Them Guns And Jesus. Show all posts

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Monsieur Le Governor Rick Perry Is A Liar

Lordy, It's A Miracle

Click To Expand Embarrassing Graphic. It's Easy And Fun!

Monsieur Le Governor Perry, the spittin', swearin', all man red-meat gun-totin', Sesesh-promotin', lovin'-him-some-'o-that-Tea-Partei guy who will Save America For Jesus, claims he is responsible for the "Texas Miracle" -- biblical, que no? -- that employment in Texas somehow defied the Great Recession under his wise, wise stewardship. And that this is proof he can do the same for 'Murrka.

Other reports have already deconstructed part of Mssr. Le Governor's argument, by showing that employment in Texas remained high after 2007 due to employment in the government, not the private, sector.

In other words, Monsieur Le Governor Perry is a liar.

However, thinking Dogs know that employment is only one yardstick of the quality of life in a nation-state like Texas. Dogs also know enough to get in out of the sun before your brain boils. Mssr. Le Governor apparently doesn't know as much as any Dog.

Invictus, one of the few allowed to post articles at Barry Ritzholt's site, The Big Picture, did what good analysts do -- he looked at the data.
So, putting employment aside, I thought I’d examine some other metrics by which states are measured. Using the excellent database at the Council of State Governments (which I’ve written about previously), I took a look at a dozen “quality of life” metrics to see how Texas ranks relative to its peers.

In each case, I ranked the 50 states in a manner where “1″ is the best score achievable and “50″ the worst (e.g., the highest high school graduation rate would garner a “1,” the lowest incidence of STD’s would also garner a “1.” In other words, if you’re a governor — a state’s CEO, as it were — you always want to be #1 and, conversely, nowhere near #50.).
The image opening this post shows where the country of Texas is relative to other more civilized nations -- doing poorly, for the most part. However, one can't expect so much from an independent country a place which claims the Cockroach is its 'State Bird', even as a joke.

I have difficulty recalling what, aside from Oil, Texas has given to the world. Murder of a President? "Lil' Boots" Bush? Big hats, no cattle? The most executions of convicted prisoners? Of whom even some were guilty? (Mssr. Le Governor would know about executing the innocent, personally.)

To be fair, Mssr. Le Governor did inherit a state already pushed towards insolvency and badly mismanaged by "Lil' Boots", and many of the Quality Of Life indicators listed above were already low when he took office.

However, he's had years to address the issues, and apparently hasn't done a goddamned thing. Texas under the Le Governor looks more like a badly-run agricultural amusement park than a part of the United States:
  • Seventh from the bottom in people over 65 living in poverty?

  • At the very bottom, No. 50, in persons over 25 graduating high school?

  • Almost at the very bottom, No. 49, in people not having enough food?

  • Nearly at the top in violent crime and homicide?

And their school's textbooks are written by people who appear to live in an alternate universe, or work for Little Rupert's NewsCorp. They might have been at home in Germany during the late 1930's, when childen's texts reflected that government's version of history.

Is this a place you and your family, children, the elderly, should live?

As my friend El Rog The Magnificent likes to point out, for a number of years now, Texas is regularly thrown out on the meteorological grill to bake up pretty good -- the place averages nearly one hundred days a year with temperatures of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or more. And Le Governor insists that Global Warming and Climate Change is just a con job promoted by some 'o them librul-type eggyhead scientists.

The entire Southwest region is suffering under a drought of biblical proportions (pun intended). Mssr. Le Governor hosted a Prayvaganza to call upon god to change the weather and bring rain to Texas. It wasn't well attended, and plainly didn't work.

One can only hope that Monsieur Le Governor Perry will continue to show all 'Murrka just what he's done for Texas, what he's made of, and what is in his tiny little black heart.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Crazy Lady Wins Ames, Iowa Straw Poll

Grand TurtleBear Michele: Queen Of America

Will Persecution By Xtian Dominionists Be This Funny? No.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Ecce Homo

Yet Another Candidate From A Failed State

(Photo: Mark Almond, Birmingham News; New York Times, via AP)

Pastor Governor of Texas, Rick Perry, has declared himself in the running as a candidate for the Republican party's nomination for President.

His eventual nomination will complete the transformation of the GOP from a secular political party to a Megachurch congregation, demanding the nation be more godly, or go away, or else.

Perry has a large number of very wealthy backers, and can outspend just about every other GOP candidate, except Mittens -- and Perry can claim he is too a really true christian, whereas Romney is a Mormon (and Perry can make a few sly asides to remind his Xtian followers that Mormons aren't really true christians like you and me).

However, there have been persistent rumors since around 2004 that my use of the term Ecce Homo with the Governor may be an intended pun.
They spread for two months, were posted on various websites and were vetted by many national outlets, all of which turned up nothing. But Team Perry, asked about how it's prepared to handle them when they emerge if he runs, said it remains "false and misleading."

"As you may know, Rick and Anita Perry first met in grade school, went on their first date together in 1966, have been lovingly married since 1982 and are parents to two grown children," said top Perry strategist Dave Carney. "This kind of nameless, faceless smear campaign is run against the Perry family in seemingly every campaign, with no basis, truth or success."

"Texas politics is a full contact support, live hand grenades and all; unfortunately there are always going to be some people who feel the need to spread false and misleading rumors to advance their own political agenda," he said.

Let's be clear: I don't care if the person who is President is LGBT or not. I don't consider their sexuality when I review their stand on job creation, Federal Reserve policy, or who they want to nominate for the Supreme Court.

Evangelicals and social conservatives, on the other hand, would care if Perry were to be Outed during a Presidential campaign, even if Foxy Truthy Ol' Digger Newsy Corp gave him free cable teevee time, twenty-four hours a day.

Well; we'll see. Perry reminds me of someone whom Foxy-Truthy gave lots of teevee time to, a while ago. Same swagger and twang as Perry; same evangelical buzz-words and gobbledegook.

I just can't remember. Probably blocking it.

Mehr: Perry promised he would make the actions of government in The Village On The Potomac "inconsequential" to the lives of Americans.

A commenter at TPM noted that This guy makes W look like a rocket scientist. I mean it; he's dumber than a bag of hammers.

Well; then, he's a perfect carnival barker front man for the Right and those interests the Right in America serves... just as "Lil' Boots" was.