Saturday, November 28, 2009

Reality = Whatever Rupert Says

Breaking my own rule here.

On November 23rd, Fox 'news' in Chicago spent some time excitedly discussing the 2012 Presidential race -- who will become the candidate to unseat The Black Man and return America to greatness and christian values? And, they offered the handy pie chart above courtesy of The Big Picture), showing who Rupert America wants.

There's been a lot of recent discussion about how well (or not) the Democrats have done on everything -- the economy, health care, Afghanistan -- which seems to boil down to Obama's blown it, and the Xtian Thugs are coming back in next years' mid-terms. It's a common theme on teevee, and the Right gets plenty of air time to offer their views.

For me, Obama hasn't done much but compromise with people who don't believe in compromise. And, they lie -- I mean, Democrats may bend things a bit, but they live in a Reality-based world. The Rightists say things which are utterly and completely untrue, as if the Law of Gravity or how World War One began is open to question.

And, many people who have stopped caring are on the Left -- they feel betrayed at the Obama administration's inability to deliver on the promises they held out in 2008 to win our support.

No one seems to care that they peddle lies, that the teevee and cable airwaves are effectively conduits for right-leaning propaganda, sandwiched in between the Tittie Shows and televised Sports which people like Rupert broadcast to keep us amused.

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