Thursday, March 25, 2010

'Zup, Girlfrien'? (A SALON Sampler)

Oh Girls Just Want To Have Fu-un. Right? Sure.

(Logo For Blow Salon, in Queensland, Australia)

I support Salon, the online 'zine. In fact, I pay them about $75 a year. For even less than that, you, too, could support their content (not bad) and the concept of New Journalism they represent -- and, dodge the layer of advertising slathered on to their web pages.

And for my $75, I also reserve the right to make fun of the 'zine and its contents, even if they don't deserve it.

There are a lot of contributing columnists at Salon. Many are good. Some start out well but seem to be afflicted with AADD after six months; they become almost visibly bored with the commitment they made. But, you know: Bloggers. Eeeeeewww.

Today's 'zine seemed to have a theme -- women, and not a great deal of the observations were flattering. And, the columns we primarily written by women.

So, if you're not busy -- let's look at a few nuggets from the headlines of today's tattered Reality:

Tiger Woods: He's Back (I Don't Care), But Can't Be Blamed 'Cause He's A Dude

(Photo: ©Quinn Rooney/Getty Images)

There's nothing like dubious science to justify any wackadoodle idea. Want to say that Adam and Eve rode around on dinosaurs or that climate change is a crock? We've got the proof! And if you really want to have fun, roll up your sleeves, trot out your academic credentials and subtly suggest that a sports hero sleeps with a harem of cocktail waitresses or a bad-boy motorcyclist cheats on his wife with a woman sporting a swastika tattoo because "we can't really blame a guy for being a guy."

That's the conclusion from Dr. Louann Brizendine
... [who] explains guys can't help themselves: "Men have a sexual pursuit area that is 2.5 times larger than the one in the female brain."
(Mary Elizabeth Williams, "Tiger Woods' adultery: The scientific defense".)

Hey; D'Ja Hear All Younger Women Are Hormone-Driven Twits Who Fear Being An Old Maid 'Cause They've Bought Into Outmoded Cultural Stereotypes? Yeah; Me, Neither

(Photo: Salon/iStockphoto)

The current caricature of young women today would have you believe that they are tossing off tradition (along with their T-shirts -- woo, Spring Break!) and carelessly pursuing drunken hookups instead of marriage. But a new study has found that the "spinster" stigma is still alive and thriving -- and it's worst for women in their mid-20s to mid-30s. After reaching the age of 25, LiveScience explains, women begin to feel "scrutinized by friends, family members and others" -- including themselves, of course -- "for their singlehood."

I'm 26. Believe me, I've noticed.

After a long-distance relationship of nearly three years, I recently found myself "back on the market" -- a vomitous phrase that, so far, seems to accurately convey the experience of being single.

(Tracy Clark-Flory, "My terror of ending up an old cat lady".)

Obligatory Small Animal Photo In Middle Of Cultural Discourse

Feminism?? Ahhh; Who Uses That Word Any More? (See "All Younger Women Are Hormone-Driven Twits", Above)

This morning, when music critic and "The Girls Guide to Rocking" author Jessica Hopper tweeted, "Venus' new publisher sez feminism 'isn't relevant' to the new version of the mag, hires ed from Martha Stewart," I wanted to believe she was joking. But then I followed her link to a Chicago Reader article that confirmed it: The magazine that began in 1995 as a one-woman, college-dorm-room project with the mission of covering "women in music, art, film, fashion, and DIY culture because not a lot of other publications do" is so over feminism.

... Venus is once again under new ownership, and its new publisher is ... former MCI V.P. Sarah Beardsley... When asked for her take on feminism, Beardsley tells the
Reader's Michael Miner, "That's such a word fraught with interpretation and meaning ...We don't use that particular F word around here. It just doesn't seem relevant."

(Judy Berman, "Who's afraid of the word 'Feminism'?")

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