Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Not Good Enough

I don't particularly agree with many things our current President™ is doing -- some of which are Lil'-Boots-Bush Lite, and others just seem like Chicago machine politics. A bit like the Clinton years -- but, national politics is local politics writ large.

Even so -- and let there be no doubt that he applied the pressure of his office to obtain it -- Obama announced today that British Petroleum will finance a $20 Billion fund for claims resulting from the continuing Gulf Oil spill, and I was happy to hear it.

At the same time, I thought The Right will immediately criticize him. It won't be enough; it'll be part of some socialist agenda; why wasn't it more; he still was too slow; it's a gross interference with free enterprise and on, and on, and on. Not a word of thanks, not an acknowledgment of the assistance twenty billion dollars represents to real people in a real world of hurt.

Later today, GOP Senator Mitch McConnell who (god help him, it's not his fault; well, maybe it is) looks like a goggle-eyed turtle with something lodged in his excretory canal, said Obama would use the Spill as part of "a liberal agenda" to "ram" climate and environmental legislation "down our throats, the same way he did it with health care".

Even as a Dog, man; I hate having as good a nose as I do, for these things. That, or these Assclowns are that predictable.

UPDATE: Josh Marshall noted that a reader at his TPM site offered the observation that "The 20 billion fund should be viewed as a huge accomplishment for Obama. He had no actual power to compel that aside from moral [per]suasion and the threat of having an unhappy president. Legally, BP could have just waited for the lawsuits and drawn the whole thing out for years. As a lawyer, I find it a unique and mind-boggling accomplishment."

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