Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Where I'd Rather Be, At The Moment

Berlin Bleibt Berlin -- Louis Vutton Edition

Courtesy of A 1920's Flat In Berlin: "The German National Tourist Board (DZT) recently noted that Germany was now second only to Spain as the top holiday destination for Europeans -- edging out France, Italy and Austria. 'In 2010 we broke through the historic mark of 60 million foreign overnight visitors,' said DZT chairwoman Petra Hedorfer in a statement."

"The DZT is looking for another banner year for tourism in 2011, with major events such as the FIFA Women’s World Cup and the 125th anniversary of the automobile set to attract visitors from all over the world."

A 1920's Flat also posted a video on the history of Berlin's architecture created and released last September -- by Louis Vutton, the manufacturer of various haute coture lines of luggage and fashion accessories.

Berlin has always been an architecturally significant city, one way or another (you'd expect that of the capital of a European country, but it isn't always the case). The video is brief and well-made; it provides a nutshell view of a few major sites, the East-West split in Berlin's construction after the Second World War, and the flowering of new architectural development since the fall of the Wall in 1989, and reunification. Have a look:

© 2010 Louis Vuitton Malletier / Des Quatre (I recommend going
direct to You Tube to see this, as my Dog-sized blog isn't a venue
for full-sized videos).

There's also this video, from the Stadt Berlin Facebook page (Yes, large cities get to have their own official Facebook page. It's a rule, and you must follow the rules, carefully, especially if you're, you know -- Berlin).

It's a bit more on the Alles Heir Sind Ja Gut Sein touristy-side, with big production values -- not surprising, given that it's an official release promoting the capital of Germany and the administrative seat of the state of Brandenburg. Face it: you wouldn't want your official promotional video to have been done by Two Guys In Kreuzberg using a Smartphone, with a Tekno-band backup soundtrack. Might not set the proper tone to introduce 600 years of German history and the cultural center of Central Europe. Or, maybe it might; I'm only a Dog. What do I know.

However, the six-second opening shot of the Quadriga and a zooming run up the Straße des 17. Juni to the Stern in the Tiergarten is worth it. And I'd rather be there, right now, than The Place Of Witless Labor™.

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