Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Just So You Know

None of the Kabuki theatre around the debt ceiling "crisis" is about the "debt".

Paul Krugman:
The facts of the crisis over the debt ceiling aren’t complicated. Republicans have, in effect, taken America hostage, threatening to undermine the economy and disrupt the essential business of government unless they get policy concessions they would never have been able to enact through legislation. And Democrats — who would have been justified in rejecting this extortion altogether — have, in fact, gone a long way toward meeting those Republican demands.
The past four-plus months of bullying by the Right is primarily about crushing the last vestiges of FDR's New Deal -- Social Security and Medicare. Secondarily, it's about embarrassing a Democratic President who happens to be African-American, boxing him into a corner where the debt "crisis" is only partially resolved (guaranteeing it will reappear again in six months and harming his chances for reelection), or forcing him to capitulate entirely.

But, mostly it's about realizing a long-held dream of domination and subjugation of Teh Hated Librul hippies. Because there was no other real reason to be in the spot we're currently in, no matter what President Boner and President Yertle The Turtle say. Just so you know.

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