Bodemusee At North End Of The Museums Insel; Monbijou Bridge
At Left, The Pergammon Museum And Neue Galerie Further On;
Fernsehturm At Alexanderplatz In The Background (per.ch)
If you know much about Berlin, you probably remember that the river Spree curves up through the city from the south, tracing a lazy S[pree]-shaped path back down before turning north again; eventually, it makes its way to the Baltic. It was the main reason Berlin came to be; the city began as two trading posts on either side of the river, southwest of what is today the Alexanderplatz.

Tour Barges Navigate Locks On The Spree At The Friederich
Bridge; Berlin Cathedral In The Background (per.ch)
For hundreds of years, rivers in Europe like the Spree were the principal means of getting trade into the city -- everything from fish to timber, beer, hides, cloth and vegetables -- before the advent of the train and the automobile. Today, the Spree is a highway for tourists and some private traffic -- and the Wasserpolizei, of course.

UBahn Station At Wittenbergplatz; KaDaWe On Tauentzienstrasse
In The Background. (per.ch)
...And aside from a river running through it, another kind of river travels through the city -- but that's for another post.
(Incidentally, these pictures of Berlin were taken by a vacationing Czech (or Slovak) in July of 2010. You can see their full photo collection of their journey around Berlin here.)
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