Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Murdoch Piekill

Teensy Security Lapse In UK

Little Rupert was hit by a shaving-cream pie this morning, wielded by a member of the audience to his testimony before the Parliamentary inquiry into the phone hacking and police corruption (and lying to Parliament, though that's rather obvious) scandal.

TPM Media posted their own review of the BBC camera feed of the incident. The piekill assailant apparently got the Ol' Digger pretty good (you can see shaving cream on the right shoulder of his suit coat).

His second (trophy) wife, Wendy Deng, in the pink jacket, leapt up to hit the piekiller; ah, the rage of the wealthy.

(via TPM / UTub: See the non-dog-sized version here)

I tried watching the New York Times' live feed of testimony before the commission, and began watching the Murdoch's appearance as Lil' Rupert's son asked to read a statement before answering questions (he was told, politely, no). With his first response to a question, he said, "Let me begin by saying, we are sorry --"

I shut it off, right there. This is the Murdoch's scripted, planned response. Just as Fox in America repeats misinformation over, and over, and over until it's indistinguishable from the truth, that is Lil' Rupert's plan here. You will hear the phrase "We are sorry" (which just happens to be the phrase in large, bold type at the top of News International / New Corp's full-page ads in every newspaper in England) at every turn. Everyone in NI and NC will be "On message".

And when they aren't?
And I'm not saying that somebody should have told me. To my knowledge certain things were not known. And when new information came to light, with respect to my knowledge of these events, when the new information came to light, the company acted on it, and the company acted on it in a right and proper way as best the company could. But it's difficult to say that the company should have been told something if it's not known that a thing was a known fact to be told.
-- James Murdoch, COO Of News International, Replying
To A Question At The Parliamentary Inquiry
It's the sound of an Eel, twisting with a hook in its mouth.

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