Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Stranger Danger

UK View:  Can't Look; Can't Look Away


MEHR, MIT SALZ:  Courtesy of the blog on the other side of the mirror, there is no better proof of the state of the Republican party and right-wing politics in America than that offered by the cultural sinkhole mutant zone devolving state of consciousness Texas (where --and this, a local joke -- the Cockroach is the state bird): 

"When you drive away all the reasonable people from your party," we are told, "you end up with Trump and the head of the Republican party in Travis County, Texas... [a state where] The lowest common denominator is very, very low."
The newly elected chair of the Republican Party in the county that includes the Texas Capitol spent most of election night tweeting about former Gov. Rick Perry’s sexual orientation and former President Bill Clinton’s penis, and insisting that members of the Bush family should be in jail.

He also found time to call Hillary Clinton an “angry bull dyke” and accuse his county vice chair of betraying the values of the Republican Party ...
... Morrow’s main complaint is with “establishment” Republicans, who he does not believe should hold elected office, he said. Last week, he tweeted that the Republican National Committee was just a “gay foam party.”
Morrow has a long history of critiquing prominent state Republicans in vulgar, and often sexually explicit, terms...
... Travis County GOP...vice chair Matt Mackowiak [is] apoplectic. Mackowiak, a Republican strategist, immediately announced over social media that he would do everything in his power to remove Morrow from office... “I’m treating this as a coup and as a hostile takeover.”
“Tell them they can go fuck themselves,” Morrow told the Tribune.
The post concludes with a straight shot at what the emergence of Trump means, politically and culturally -- that in many places, America is much like Yeats' poem; A Box Full Of Bad Crazy That's Looking For A Way Out:
There will be many more mini-Trumps and Trump rallies just as there were many tea party rallies. The gun nuts and militia movement will join with them; the white nationalists already have.
Even if the right manages to take down Trump it is too late to take down his followers. The right has been stoking the fears and resentments of their base for decades and now they are seeing the result of their labors. They thought they could milk the followers forever without consequence. They were wrong.

UND JETZT:  Gilding the Lily, or proving the point Susan from Texas made (via Reuters):
One of Donald Trump’s sons appeared along with a white supremacist while giving an interview on a conservative radio show, adding to concerns that the front-runner in the battle to be the Republican candidate in November’s presidential election is willing to accept support from extremist supporters.

Donald Trump Jr., who is actively campaigning for his father, gave an interview on Tuesday on "Liberty Roundtable," a conservative Utah-based radio show...

During the show he was questioned by ... another radio host whose show "The Political Cesspool" is described by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a leading U.S. civil rights group, as "racist and anti-Semitic."

During the interview, conducted over the telephone, Trump Jr. talked about what a good father Donald Trump was and how his campaign is changing the Republican Party.

“It’s not a campaign anymore, it’s a movement,” he told his interviewers.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Step Right Up; They're Naked And They Dance

Stupor Tuesday

It's been the Silly Season for some time now; unfortunately, that means we're talking about the state of the crippled mutant freakshow reality television program which has been passing as theater politics in the USA for nearly a quarter-century now., a website dedicated to voting Americans who live abroad:
Failing to denounce the KKK immediately was a huge blunder by Trump, certainly his biggest of the campaign. Bigotry (and, as a bonus, Duke is a vicious anti-Semite as well) is socially unacceptable in modern American society, and very few Americans are comfortable thinking of themselves as racist.

Trump's declarations about Mexicans and Muslims are both clearly just that, but he's been able to encode both as being about "national security." The Klan's endorsement, and Trump's wavering, both blow a huge hole in that fiction. Adding a bit more fuel to that fire is the fact that France's version of David Duke—Holocaust denier Jean-Marie Le Pen, who was thrown out of the French far-right National Front party by his own daughter for being too racist—also proffered his endorsement [of Trump]this weekend.
(Original Photo: Bryan Snyder / Reuters)

But today is a big day for Senator Bernie Sanders, Hillary The Inevitable !, Trumpolina;  Little Marky Rubio; Grand Turtlebear Teddy Cruz of the Church of I Kill You ! (Yes; he has assumed the mantle previously worn by Crazylady Michele Bachmann [Hot Hot Hot]); and John (Who?) Kasich.  Much is at stake, and All Eyes Are On The Prize, whatever that actually might be. 

Americans Like Everything To Be A Cartoon Contest

Per Wikipedia, Republican and Democratic Super Tuesday contests are being held in Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Minnesota (all with caucuses); and Georgia, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, and Virginia (all with voting primaries).

Republican caucuses only are held in Alaska and Wyoming, and a Democratic caucus in American Samoa.

Again per Wikipedia, "The Republican candidates can win about half of their 1,237 delegates" in Super Tuesday's caucuses and primaries. The Democrats compete for "over 880 delegates, roughly one-third of those needed to win" that party's nomination. So, yes; it's a big deal.

 At The End Of A Life Of Unceasing Toil For Your Owners™,
The Reward: A Tub Of Slaw

Who will win? Who will lose? Who will claim the Tub Of Slaw™? Who's to say if it's good or bad? And, Are These Even The Right Questions?

Monday, February 29, 2016

Random Barking: Last Salute


"Gibraltar"; Artist: Charles Pears, 1930, For The Empire Marketing Board

I spotted this image on the Tom Clark blog, via The Soul Of America, and was immediately captivated.

It has everything -- balanced design elements (the Golden Mean at work), balanced and complimentary colors; images of The Family, the Power Of Worldwide Empire (Sing, "Rule, Britannia", right now. You know who you are), and being on holiday -- which suggests both financial and job security; a pleasant interlude in a sunny and pleasant life.

Sadly, when this poster was created, England had been virtually bankrupted after the excesses of the Great War (World War One to you), and was busily being kicked to the curb by the Depression ("Thanks awfully, America!  I say; we certainly didn't see that coming! Bit of a surprise!"). The Empire was fading and in the great unwinding of national self-determination that followed WW2, all the 'Pink Bits' on the map would have to be replaced by different colors.

Here in Aremica, our own Empire is slowly fading, except in the minds of persons like Herr Trumpi. The Kochbrudern don't care; they're rich. The rest of us don't care because we're too busy texting. When we're purchased by Commie Red China on eBay, no one will notice until Google is shut down for 'maintenance'.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Reprint Heaven: More Unspeakableness

An Entire Chicken In A Can

(In the "It Can Always Be Worse" category, we have this offering, from 2011.)

Even H.P. Lovecraft Could Not Have Envisioned The Badness

This isn't going to become a regular item -- but another thing in a can was made known to me recently. As a Dog, I'll eat a wide variety of food (and the occasional non-food) items -- but even this is too much for me to contemplate: Sweet Sue's Canned Whole Chicken.

It Emerges: Ia! Ia! Sweeta Sue Chiken ARRROOOOOO!!

First, the unsuspecting housewife releases the Thing from the chamber where it slumbered. Then, without warning, it grew -- and grew, and began to threaten mankind with the unbelievable fury of unleashed cosmic forces!!!

And, as we all know, you don't want to mess around with Cosmic Forces.

Unleashed, The Beast Began An Orgy Of Feeding --
But, Only In North Beach And Fisherman's Wharf

ANNOUNCER: We're here on CBS Sportstalk Radio; I'm Bob Hampton, and we're talking about the giant tentacled monster that's making life a little hectic for the drive-time commute in the Bay Area this morning... And how about those Giants, huh? Will the Raiders make their move to Santa Clara? Let's take your calls.... Hello, you're on CBS Sportstalk 96.

CHTULU: Hi, Bob; this is Chtulu from Ryleh. Love your show.

ANNOUNCER: Thanks. Where is Ryleh? Is that Contra Costa County, near Pinole?

CHTULU: Actually, it's an ancient city, sunken deep in the ocean for many, many Millennia, and initially a base for many of the Old Ones. You see, the history you've been taught about your world, and the Universe, is about as wrong as Y. A. Tittle staying in football past Forty. Many things existed on Earth, long before human history began. And, one of them was Me -- I've been out the loop for a while, but I'm back now and just wanted to AAARRRRRRRROOOOOO!!!!

Sorry about that, Bob. It's just so good to be out.

ANNOUNCER: Uh-huh. You just get out of the Big Q, huh?

CHTULU: Not a prison as you would understand it, Bob. But I was just listening to your program this morning and did want to comment on the appearance of the 'tentacled monster' you mentioned a moment ago.

ANNOUNCER: What's your comment?

CHTULU: Well, you see -- the stars are right, Bob, and the Great Wheel has come around; and it's time for the ancient forces that once ruled this planet to assert themselves. So I don't think anyone should be surprised when they open a can of something like a whole chicken, only to have it transform into something as big as the Bank Of America building in a matter of hours and threaten all of human civilization.

ANNOUNCER: Okay. Did you catch the Giants' game last night by chance, Chtulu?


ANNOUNCER: Did you see last nights' game?

CHTULU: Bob -- with all due respect; I'm a long-time listener, and I've always liked this program -- but we're talking about a radical shift in human consciousness, here. We're talking about the most beautiful mysteries, and the most terrifying nightmares, of humanity made manifest in this world simply through the energy of thought. This is an event that's... well, it's Galactic in its implications, and frankly, Bob, in light of that I'm a little less interested in what Buster Posey will or won't do this season.

ANNOUNCER: [Pauses] So you're saying Posey won't do well heading into the season?

CHTULU: ... Bob -- try focusing a little. There's an Octopus the size of Cleveland out in the Bay. I see on CNN that they're considering carpet-bombing the Golden Gate with nerve agents -- nerve agents, Bob.

ANNOUNCER: All right; well, that's interesting, but I'd say Posey's gonna have a great season with the San Francisco Giants, and we look forward to that.

CHTULU: Not going to mean a thing if he gets eaten, Bob.

ANNOUNCER: Okay; and we thank you for your call. Hey, the time is 11:30, and whenever you just don't have time to spend on meal preparation, Sweet Sue's Whole Chicken In A Can can help!

The Peasants Begin To Understand: They're Doomed --
In The Horrifying Tales Of The Plush Chtulu!

After all, while Sparkle Christmas Tree Sweater Bear, for example, was a friend to all boys and girls, and Ellie the Happy Elephant was beloved by all who knew her, neither they nor any of the other animals commanded a worldwide fanatical cult of believers ready to do their bidding, not to mention being an ageless, indestructible creature from Beyond the Stars.


Imagine This

    This photo in every U.S. Embassy, worldwide.  (Rolling Stone / Mark Seliger, 2015)

This is not a comparison of Herr Trumpi with Hitler. Just so you know.

The most simplistic description of the chaotic world of German politics before WW2 is to say the Kaiser abdicated, a Republic was declared in November, 1918, and that it effectively lasted until Hitler was appointed Chancellor on January 30, 1933: a quick trip from monarchy to nascent democracy to fascism.

That's true. But it glosses over how long it took to Boil The Frog, the slow change in the political landscape during the Weimar years. How Germany became politically polarized between Kozis and nazis during a time of rapid social, technological and cultural change, and an economy that went from hyperinflation and poverty (1921-1925) to security and prosperity (1926-1929), and then -- BAM! Thanks, America! Didn't see that coming! -- the Depression (1930 -).

The simple view of that history also misses the number of political consensus leaders (Brüning, and von Papen and von Schleicher, for example) who contributed to the weakening of democracy in the face of a perceived internal threat -- Brüning used 'emergency decrees' to counter the rise of the nazis, and the Red Front; so did von Schleicher; and last but not least -- von Papen convinced the aging President Hindenburg to 'absorb' the leader of the nazi party into the Weimar government as Chancellor in order to neutralize him (How'd that work out, Franz?).
(Drezner Column, Washington Post Online, Feb. 23, 2016)

Trump isn't Hitler -- but if he were even to run for President and not win, it would show how far one of America's two traditional political parties has deteriorated, and that should give everyone pause. It would mean that a sufficient number of adults in the party of the Right (where gun nuts and religious crazies and the testosterone-fueled violence-prone live) are driving that party, and that should keep everyone up at night.

How willing The People's representatives in government are to compromise in order to reach common goals (and that the compromises don't seriously impact the lives of The People) is one gauge of a healthy political system. The more polarization in politics, the less likely compromise is possible, and the more likely the system is to break down.

 We Make Jokes, But Fewer People Are Laughing

Weimar Germany (and interwar France) had the same Left / Right friction, leading to occasional open violence in the streets -- and to revolving-door governments: because Germany operated under a parliamentary system, the agitation between Left and Right led to eight general elections between 1919 and 1932 -- roughly one every year and a half.  If there's no stability in politics, people will believe in what appears to promise it. Historically, it isn't democracy.

Considering Trump as a candidate may not keep you up at night. If he gains the Republican nomination, it's because the GOP leadership and the Kochbrudern and Little Rupert are making a compromise with circumstances -- as did Brüning, von Schleicher and von Papen -- to maintain political control of the American Right.

Even were that to happen, I believe Clinton could very well beat him (and, perhaps TPTB want the election to run that way; the self-aggrandizing Trump versus The American Merkel is way better theater) -- but that's not what's should be our concern.

Given what Trump is, that he's gotten this far in his candidacy is an obvious bellwether of how polarized we are as a society. It should concern us a great deal. That some adults in America have a growing feeling that we need to be a great power, and a great people, again -- that a Strong Leader (a Putin, say; or an Evangelical) is what America needs...  not the divisive waste of time that democracy can seem to be, and certainly not the weak, godless, and radical hippies on the Left.

Considering Trump as a candidate may not keep you up at night.  But it should.

MEHR, MIT MEHR:  It must suck Tyrannosaurs to be one of the old Rethug Leaders at this point, trying to fend off yet another assault from the Tea Partei brownhirts or the evangelical black shirts. Something has to be done to cap the continuing rise of Trumpolina, they say bitterly -- and everyone in the Good Ol' Boy Grand Ol' Party who can lend a hand is coming out of the woodwork. For these kinds of people, it's behavior bordering on desperation.

We are united against That Guy, say every "inside source" at the GOP. President Yertle The Turtle says he will not dance with Trumpi; Little Paulie Ryan, Speaker-To-Animals, is more cautious. Mitzy, in a display so filled with irony, demanded Trump release his tax returns. While being interviewed on France24, one of Mitzy's advisors from his 2012 failed bid for the Presidency noted that yes, Trump could win a majority of delegates in the primaries and caucuses -- but they're not pledged to him past the first ballot at the convention! That's where he could be beaten!

Really? And what then? The Republican convention would turn into a live, realtime-ugly, 'brokered' floor-fight drama that hasn't been seen at any political convention since the Democrats at Chicago in 1968, or earlier. 

The traditional GOP leadership will have to choose: between trying to maintain control of their party, defeating Trump, then fending off Cruz and the religious right (or making a 'deal with the devil', as the GOP leadership always has done with them), and anointing Rubio or Kasich... or, the Good Ol Boys bow to the inevitable and allow Trump to be their candidate -- so that when (and if) he fails, Trump's fall will discredit the Tea Partei upstarts for a decade or more.

Would the Rethugs be willing to allow Trump's nomination, just to see him defeated by Hillary ! , who would likely remain in the White House for two terms? Take a moment and remember Florida in 2000.  Ohio in 2004.  Is it possible the Rethug Good Ol' Boys would try and steal the election for Trump, because a Hillary presidency is unthinkable? And because they believe they could saddle and ride Trump once he becomes President?

Who knows. It's a Big Tent world we live in. I'd like to say it will be good theatre no matter what happens -- but it's an open question that when all this is over, the Republican party won't have completed a transformation into something much more ugly, sociopathic and malignant than it already is today.

UND, WAS IST JETZT NOCH IMMER MEHR?:  Amy Walters, on the oh-so-neutral PBS News Hour, made a salient point as we lean into Stupor Tuesday: The criticism of Trumpolina has increased -- but "no one is rallying around any of the alternatives" -- Senator Ted Cruz of Canada The Church Of I Kill You !, or Marky Rubio, Plucky Son Of Emmygrants. As a result, Trumpi is still the 'popular favorite'.

"The Republican party is on the verge of splitting apart," Walters noted. "If Donald Trump is the [official party] candidate, I think... we could see a [traditional conservative], such as Michael Bloomberg, running as a third party candidate."

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Monday, February 22, 2016

The Sinking Of The Jebby

$130M Failboat

( Original photo: Antara Photo Agency / Reuters )
I firmly believe the American people must entrust this office to someone who understands that whoever holds it is the servant, not the master, someone who will commit to that service with honor and decency. --  Jebby !  February 20, 2016
The campaign of Chang the Mystic Warrior Jebby, son of Poppy, brother of "Lil' Boots" the Peevish Dullard, finally bled to death in the snows of South Carolina over the weekend. It was curious to watch him admit defeat, a deja vu moment from 2012 as Mitzy announced his own loss: a bitter moment for Jebbo, who believes that the Bushes were born booted, spurred, and ready to ride all of America.

It was the end of a Trail Of Tears. Jebby (and those of his class backing him) raised several hundred million PAC dollars and had spent roughly $130M of it since the spring of 2015, with little to show for it. His campaign was almost literally kicked to the curb. In the process, Jebby became the poster boy for the disconnection between 'traditional' conservatism (i.e., TPTB which fuel and run the Republican party), and the Tea Partei, outsider's 'populist' conservatism of Donald Trump.

Better Than You By Birth, godamnit (Photo: Associated Press)

(And what is that Trumpy, Tea Partei conservatism, you may ask? [You may; it is still permitted.] Is it conservatism at all? Or is the Far Right in America like a bloated, cackling wino, lying in a doorway and bellowing the same illogic, the same delusional phrases, punctuated with "Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Heeeeee!!")

(Yeah; the Far Right in America is something like that -- but here's the punch line: What happens when the Winos are in charge? It's the same question a number of Central European people once asked themselves in, oh, 1933 or so.)

During the Rethug debates, Jebby appeared as the angry assistant principal, hands on hips, chewing out high school students at Assembly for smoking in the bathrooms and showing insufficient 'team spirit'. You could almost hear him whining, I am entitled to the party candidacy, and the Presidency!! Don't you get that?? Don't you??  

(Of course, some people see it as poetic justice: In 2000, Governor Jeb Bush of the state of Florida moved heaven and earth to ensure that Lil' Boots would be the winner of an election that would decide the fate of America for generations, from 9-11 straight through to the masses of refugees crowding into Europe from the Middle East any way they can.)

Who will inherit Jebby's mantle as "The Responsible Conservative", the alternative to Trumpolina? Cruz?  Rubio?  Well... as Deep Throat said to another Republican, Bob Woodward, Follow the money.  See who the KochBrudern and Little Rupert believe they can purchase as "their" President.

But there's always the possibility that even the Kochs and The Crafty Ol' Digger believe too much in their own power, and the strength of their checkbooks -- as Mitzy and TPTB did in the 2012 election, where the Democrats' ground game 'trumped' (sorry) the Republicans' self-delusion. It is possible that Trumpolina will simply be the more appealing candidate to 'ordinary' Republican voters, who apparently don't much care for being told who to want.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Jeb Bush's America

America's Jeb Bush

( Click To Enlarge.  It Is Easy And Fun ! )


Sunday, February 14, 2016

Ding-Dong; Tony's Dead

One Less Partisan

...If anything, the consensus among the [Republican] presidential candidates seems to be that George W. Bush didn’t cut taxes on the rich nearly enough, and should have made more use of torture... When we talk about partisanship, then, we’re not talking about arbitrary teams, we’re talking about a deep divide on values and policy...

...Justices have always had known political leanings, and the process of nomination and approval has often been contentious. Still, there was nothing like the situation we face now, in which Republicans have more or less unanimously declared that President Obama has no right even to nominate a replacement for Mr. Scalia...
-- Paul Krugman, "How America Was Lost", New York Times online, February 14, 2016
Scalia's gone, taken out in his sleep at an exclusive West Texas guest ranch where the conservative elite meet to shoot skeet, and quail.  I learned of his passing yesterday from a cellphone news alert while waiting on line in a coffee shop.

A lot of people were getting the same alert from their own newsfeeds at the same time; two women in line ahead of me looked at their smartphones, one saying, "Scalia's dead. Oh, thank God. I'm so glad it wasn't Ruth Ginsburg." Turning to me, she said, "I'm sure his family loved him, but that man was evil." She paused, waiting to see if she was talking to someone who agreed (I did). "I mean, he did evil things."  She paused again, then said quickly, and with emphasis, "He was a shit, and I'm glad he's dead." 

The News Punditi's general line in eulogizing Scalia for the Nightly News seems to include (A) His intellect, (B) His conservatism, (C) His pugnacity and "biting wit".  All of it combined in a single individual who, as a member of the highest court in this country, was party to (if not the intellectual engine behind) legal decisions which affected millions of Americans in a manifestly negative way.

Oh, and by way of proving he was "fair and balanced", the Punditi tell us he was friends with Ruth Bader Ginsburg. "We disagree, but we're still friends," one video clip has Tony saying.

I'm sure his family and friends see him much differently than I do. But, as the woman said to me in the coffeeshop line, based on his actions, I'm not at all sad he's gone.

In my life, I've met people who have done horrendous, evil, violent things. In a former occupation, leaders of RICO-level criminal enterprises, and their enforcers; and as a journalist, people who developed the original weapons of mass destruction. I've  met and interviewed for-real, actual nazi war criminals who had served their imposed sentences (I thought they should have been hung, and told one of them so -- no surprise, his response was a dry, Entschuldig; aber Ihren Meinung macht nichts [Excuse me, but your opinion makes no difference]). 

All of them had opinions about art and music and current events. Some were sentimental. Some liked this food or that; some of them were actually engaging, insightful, intelligent. They made jokes, told interesting stories.

And however they expressed it, all of them felt what they did was justified and natural in the scheme of things. Whether it was the demands of science, power of a nation-state, racial eugenics, or some outlaw code, each of them were convinced beyond question their actions were right, even necessary.

And it was Scalia's actions that leave me cold. I won't go through a list of cases where his influence was critical; it's almost enough that he added his vote to tip the scales in the Court's decisions, even if he didn't write the majority opinion (but, Bush v. Gore, and the Citizens United cases do come to mind). And when he found himself in the minority, his Opinions spewed bile on the appellants, and on the Opinions of the Justices in the Majority. Tony apparently never lost anything gracefully.

Scalia supported his opinions (written, or spoken) with long, intellectual arguments that tied back to a tradition of strictly interpreting the Constitution  -- which his beloved Federalist Society will claim stretches back to John Adams and other conservatives.

If you pull up any YouTub videos of Scalia talking (something he loved to do), it's clear he felt an absolute surety in his beliefs; not one iota of regret for the legal decisions he made; and not one drop of compassion for the individuals involved.  In fact, he seemed to enjoy taunting those whom the Court's decisions affected -- because they were liberals, leftists, different and wrong. They were his opponents, his enemies, and the enemy of what he believed in. 

For any of us, the great and the ordinary, what matters in the end is the sum total of our actions in this life towards other human beings, and the world. It doesn't matter if we told good jokes, or dressed well; that we went to the right colleges and worked for The Right People. It doesn't matter if we lived in a large home, invested wisely, knew which wines to order, and were one of the Smartest People In The Room.

Antonin Scalia was a Justice-For-Life. That position alone; being able to make partisan rulings in law that affected the lives of millions of people, meant he was not an ordinary man. And then he would often dismiss, ridicule and deride the people whose lives he affected -- as if 'winning' wasn't enough; he had to urinate on his opponents to prove it.

He was a shit for what he did, and I'm glad he won't be able to do it any more.

Hopla; Wir Leben

(I discovered a link on the miracle machine with no title, connecting me to something Bloggy.  I clicked, and it delivered this -- a draft of a post about the 2015 landmark gay marriage decision by the Supremes. Tubby Tony's true colors were on full display that day, giving all of us a taste of what in future we will be, uh, missing with his passing.

(Earlier, when the case was being argued, Tony gave us a preview. In an April 28, 2015 New Yorker article, Jeffrey Toobin noted: “There was a shocking, ugly moment during the argument of... the same-sex marriage case... a spectator rose from a back row and started screaming, ‘If you support gay marriage, you will burn in Hell... It’s an abomination!’ [G]uards carried him from the courtroom.

(“That wasn’t the ugly part, though. In the quiet moment after the man was removed, as his shouts vanished into the hallway, Justice Antonin Scalia filled the silence with a quip. ‘It was rather refreshing, actually,’ he said.”

(Tony: an impartial jurist and a class act; representing what is 'best' about American justice to the rest of the world.)
Justice Anthony Kennedy, writing on behalf of the court, said that the hope of gay people intending to marry "is not to be condemned to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civilization's oldest institutions. They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right."
In a dissenting opinion, conservative Justice Antonin Scalia said the decision shows the court is a "threat to American democracy." The ruling "says that my ruler and the ruler of 320 million Americans coast-to-coast is a majority of the nine lawyers on the Supreme Court," Scalia said.
Wasn't that true about the Citizens United decision, Tony? Of course, there's no comparison between allowing America's political system to be nakedly purchased by a wealthy elite, and recognizing that love, commitment and dignity deserve the protection of law. 

“If you are among the many Americans — of whatever sexual orientation — who favor expanding same-sex marriage, by all means celebrate today’s decision,” Chief Justice Roberts wrote. “Celebrate the achievement of a desired goal. Celebrate the opportunity for a new expression of commitment to a partner. Celebrate the availability of new benefits. But do not celebrate the Constitution. It had nothing to do with it.”
“The opinion is couched in a style that is as pretentious as its content is egotistic,” Justice Scalia wrote of his colleague’s work. “Of course the opinion’s showy profundities are often profoundly incoherent.”
Poor 'Fat Tony' Scalia. Quite the ironic riposte from the architect behind the Bush v. Gore and 'Citizens United' decisions. But, mob bosses like Tony have never possessed much by way of humility or what was once referred to as "good sportsmanship".

MEHR, MIT NICHTACHTUNG:  Over the weekend, a friend and I agreed that there was just something hanging in the air around Scalia's demise.

We're not suggesting conspiracy, necessarily; however, the 'manager' of the "ranch" where Scalia was a guest described the Great Man as being found in a bed with sheets barely wrinkled, in "perfect repose", a pillow over his head. A judge pronounces an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court dead, by phone, and there is no autopsy.

"What'dya think?" my friend asked.

"Blow and Hoors," I said. "No doubt about it."

Friday, February 12, 2016

Cheer Up

All For You

Yeah; you know who you are.

This classic image is used in Wallgreens pharmacies across America 
to advertise photo departments.

Gosh this puppy sure is cute. And now, if you'll excuse me -- as you can imagine, it's my mandatory period to watch cellphone videos of people being barrel-bombed in Syria.

(PS: Before this turns into one of those Blog Things, I should make clear this is not aimed at frequent commenter, Mistah Charlie, Phd, who had asked, nicely, for precisely this.  Miriam, honey -- you enjoy.)

Can you hear me?
Hope you can
Listen here closely
You'll understand
Make way for the killer race
They use the Bible
Millimeter by millimeter
Millimeter by millimeter

Six times hot as the sun
Didn't mean to hurt anyone
Didn't mean to hurt anyone

Sorry, sorry, yeah
Don't try to force them
To help them
Do what they do
What they do

 "Human Being Lawn Mower"
MC5, Back In The USA (1970)