Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Thank You, Lil' Boots. Again. And Again. And Again. And Again.

Worst. United States. President. In. Our. History.

The New York Times online reports that warnings have surfaced, leaked from sources in the American intelligence community, of planned assaults against Western European capitals by Al-Qaeda terrorist teams.

Some of the potential attackers may already be in Europe... [and reports indicate] the Haqqani network in Pakistan as involved in the plot. The network is allied with the Taliban and has been a target of some recent drone attacks in Pakistan.

Another French official speculated that the leak of Washington’s concerns about attacks in Europe from Pakistani Al Qaeda and the Taliban was also meant to justify the increasing drone attacks on targets inside Pakistan, to press Pakistan to use ground troops more aggressively in the tribal areas and even to prepare the ground for using American ground forces, covert or otherwise, inside Pakistan.

However, that's not the money quote:

Many in Washington believe that the answer to stability in Afghanistan lies in a more aggressive offensive against Al Qaeda and Taliban militants sheltering in Pakistan.

Many in Washington? And whom the fuck does the NYT refer to? Where were these Many, when U.S. Forces in the Tora Bora mountains of Afghanistan in 2002 were pulled back from going after Bin Laden et Cie -- knowing where they were -- and not being allowed to complete their mission?

Obligatory Cute Small Animal Photo in Middle
Of Blog Rant (Today's Animal: The Rock Hyrax)

Where were these policy sageheads when President Cheney and his crack team of incompetents made sure Lil' Boots got his war in Iraq, the easy target (Hey; it's full of WMD's; "Greeted As Liberators"); what could happen?

Where were these "Many" that now say we should be more aggressive in Afghanistan -- when for almost a decade they supported Lil' Boots' official line: To ignore it as if it weren't happening la la la la; I can't hear you..., thereby allowing a Bush family friend Al-Qaeda and the Taliban to regroup, and Osama as the 'spiritual leader' to continue pushing a fantastically warped, megalomaniac vision of re-establishing an Islamic Caliphate.

So, hey -- thanks, Lil' Boots! Running America was just like all the other business ventures you got involved in -- oil business; sports team management; Governor of Texas; husband and father -- each, a complete failure. Except, running America turned out to be an EPIC FAIL. The only real difference is the scale; and now, you have actual blood on your hands: At least a quarter-million people, probably more.

And, there are people walking around in London, Berlin, and Paris right now who may not be walking around any longer, in the near future. They should thank you in advance for your far-sighted, wise counsel and sage leadership-- they'll all want to say Thanks In Advance! for what may happen.

Don't worry your little hereditary-rich head over it. We'll clean up your mess while you take it easy; that's 'god's way', to you. Because you've toiled, and are as well a pathetic piece of human waste regarded, you are living proof of god's having given up on us in disgust and now fucks with us, an immoderate and malicious countenance, shining upon you as one of the Elect.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Generic Mongo, Suitable For All Occasions

End Of The World As We Know It

Pat Boone, 76 (oh, for god's sake; Look Him Up), has founded the Beverly Hills chapter of the Tea Party.

Boone, who emceed, called the event "not a Republican or a Democrat thing. This is a citizen thing." He ... added a little musical flavor, singing a song he said he wrote specifically for the event. In the lyrics, Boone refers to himself as "a rootin', tootin', flag-waving citizen" and says: "But I pray for our enemies, the Bible says I should. 'Cause if they mess with Uncle Sam they'll disappear for good."

Um, Pat? I thought Uncle Sam was bad. Tea Party says so. Gov'nment is bad socialist evil bad. Takes all our Freedom, or something.

A bunch of exceptionally rich people, demanding that government allow them to enrich themselves virtually without limit? That it adopt immigration policies to ensure they have a steady supply of pool boys and housecleaners, who just aren't seen or heard otherwise?

Tea Party (Teee Par-tee); noun; perjorative: Redneck yahoos, organized into a political party by millionaire and billionaire Wingnuts to ensure that their way of life continues unabated and unfettered, while allowing the yahoos to believe that they "have the power", and are "taking back the country". Similar to the Tea Party scene in "Alice In Wonderland", and with just as much connection to reality.

Alternatively, it's also a method of certain interests exerting influence over what they perceive as a conservative populist movement which, in its worst form, could exhibit itself as religious fascism. Important, then, to make sure their way of life is undisturbed, no matter who's in power.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Little Annie: Time's Almost Up

Little Annie Coulter, Bearer Of Light And Reason

Ann Coulter has been engaged (by her own count, in 2005) at least three times over the past twenty or so years (not counting the stalking by the sort of obsessives who like an 'Ilse, She-Wolf Of The SS' type of woman. In each case, the Manchild she bonded with was able to recognize that, after mating, Coulter would paralyze them and lay her eggs in their still-living flesh. They left; so sad, but predictable.

She's been a buzzing, insectile noise on the American cultural scene for almost twenty years. Her shtick is predictable, too: Show up, wherever they'll have her; then, say something so offensive that even her hosts are taken aback; and thereby guaranteeing some buzzing and chittering in the media about that terrible person Ann Coulter... until the next time she does it. It's a merry-go-round of insult and excess that has made her a good deal of money.

Billy And Annie: Kamaraden Of The Rethug Reichskanzeleri

She frequently makes incendiary, insulting references about - well, anyone she wants to: Muslims, Liberals (whom she seriously believes should be tried for treason and executed (“Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals side with the enemy... liberals are always against America," she wrote), Gays; Blacks; and anyone else who strikes her fancy at the moment. She suggested that suicide bombers should detonate a truckload of explosives outside the New York Times offices.

In a string of books (most of them making best-seller lists only due to a standard tactic: Bulk purchases, by Right-wing organizations, who then have to sell them to secondhand bookstores as remaindered) and a continuing column -- like Lard Boy and Little Mikey Weiner do on radio -- Coulter vomits out an unending tirade of hatred and insult.

Apparently, she enjoys it. When confronted about what she's said, or written, Coulter claims that she was only being 'funny', that she is really the victim -- of not being "politically correct" -- and simply misunderstood.

However, she hasn't been too successful with her shtick lately. Unless the Lumpen Right do actually take over, her fifteen minutes may be up, because the country appears to have little time to notice Annie's antics, as they're more concerned about keeping their jobs, feeding their children, not having to live out of their cars; you know -- what's now the usual for most of us.

And even if the Teabaggers eventually do run the country into the ground -- a proud, rising, angry Tea Party nation doesn't want overly-intellectual, leggy blondes as poster girls and leaders. They want evangelical, can-do optimistic, faux-frontier types... like Little Sarah Palin, Plain 'n Tall: She wouldn't be caught dead in a roomful of Those Whom Sin Against Man And Nature.

A Proud, Rising Teabagger America Is Conway Twitty's America

Even so, last night at HomoCon, the convention for the gay conservatives, Coulter was one of the featured speakers (And, addressing a roomfull of "them" didn't sit well with other Rethugs). True to form, she stood up and told them (as reported by Megan Carpentier of TPM Media), ' "Marriage is not a civil right. You're not black." It was part of a larger argument on which she later elaborated, telling the crowd that the 14th Amendment only applies to African-Americans and that it does not, in fact, apply to women, LGBT people or other minorities."

(A curious note: One of Coulter's ex-fiancees, conservative talentless hack writer Dinesh D’Souza (author of "The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11"), once penned at article in 1981 while at college, outing his campus' gay alliance leadership -- most of whom hadn't come out of the closet even to their families. Imagine the fun and hilarity that ensued from that. Currently, Little Dinesh debates famous Liberals and Agnostics about the existence of god, and god's morality, since Little Dinesh is a righteous xtian.)

Coulter also suggested that the conservative gay community should drop support of any equality-of-marriage issue, and join forces with those who oppose abortion, because "As soon as they find the gay gene, you know who's getting aborted."

(Coulter neglected to mention that it is conservative evangelical christians, and conservative Catholics, who are the primary opponents of abortion -- and who believe homosexuality is a sin [the Old Testament indicates is punishable by death] and that the lesbians and gays who were listening to Coulter are damned, living a lifestyle "against god and natural law", predators of children; and worse. I'm sure they'll jump at the opportunity to join forces with America's Taliban.)

Stoning Of A Woman In Afghanistan: What Extreme Views
And The Absolute Surety Of Belief Lead To, Every Time addition to her comments about civil rights [Carpentier reported], she also accused single parents of breeding muggers and blamed the decline in marriage in the African-American community on welfare, "the subsidization of single parenting" and overly liberal child support laws. Coulter's comments about civil rights being "only for the blacks" rubbed many people the wrong way as well.

However, Coulter made an ironic joke about oppression, and the amount of money in the gay community -- compared to other minority communities. "Blacks must be looking at the gays saying, 'Why can't we be oppressed like that?'" Coulter quipped, and the comment "garnered plenty of laughs from the well-heeled crowd."

Why Couldn't They Be 'Oppressed Like That'? Possibly
For Reasons Annie Can't Fathom In Her Own Experience

Yeah... I bet people living in Bedford-Sty, the South Bronx; Detroit; Cleveland; Baltimore; Central L.A. and the Oakland Flats, would all get a chuckle, too, out of a humorous comparison between the experience of a bunch of predominantly white and rich people, with their experience of being Black in America.

To be discriminated against and made to feel shameful, because of who you are, hurts -- but African-Americans aren't in a Closet about who they are. It's not possible. And most of the people in the HomoCon crowd could have no concept of what discrimination because of the color of your skin feels like... which made Coulter's joke a bitter, self-serving, throwaway line.

In the comments section following Carpentier's TPM article, someone else noted (changes only made for proper usage and punctuationt) that they weren't sure they could expect any other sort of performance from Annie,

... but Ms. Coulter is no fool and she clerked for a Supreme Court Justice no less; she knows very well that the 14th Amendment applies not just to black Americans but to a whole host of other classes, including classifications of gender and alienage. It is true that the Supreme Court has not yet recognized homosexuals as a protected class for 14th Amendment purposes, but it is obscenely disingenuous for Ms. Coulter to assert the 14th amendment only protects black Americans. Equal protection means equal protection - the language of the Amendment itself has no qualifiers.

So -- Little Annie will have spent all this time being someone who is publicly (and, according to some who've commented to the media, privately) angry, insulting; done everything to live up to the persona of outrageousness she's created. She'll continue the same pattern: Making execrable comments, grabbing media attention in Left and Right Bolgistan, again, for a while; then, yet another book contract, followed by a speaking tour; and after a time, that will lead to yet more execrable comments...

That will go on for a few more years (she's still a fairly fit, if anorexic, fifty). I don't think she can compete with the Sarah Palins -- Coulter's not an evangelical; she's not working-class. She's not a Populist Wingnut -- she's worked to be one of the pampered, wingnut Elite, and I don't believe that's who is lining up to 'lead' the Teabaggers. Glenn Beck comes off as a The Really Smart Guy Next Door Who Hearts Jesus, and cries, and gets big ratings Market Share -- and that's what those manipulating the Rising New Right want.

Annie comes off as Too Smart -- the cool blonde in High School who would never even look at a full-of-the-lord (or something) Regular Guy. Annie doesn't have Regular Girl-next-door, Xtian-pinup appeal like Little Sarah... and she knows it. Coulter will always have some niche on the Right -- but the new mainstream being courted is vibrantly, decisively evangelical, fundamentalist, and intolerant in a way only True Believers can be.

As her influence in the Rightist community fades, Coulter will no longer be what she labored to become -- a "marketable commodity". She will age. Without the adrenaline high of notoriety, the constant reaffirmation that she is someone, what will she fall back on? Most people confuse their true selves with some adopted persona; people who have "made it" have agents, publicists, secretaries -- a whole structure to support the false notions celebrities create about themselves.

As a result, Coulter may not be able to relate to others outside that created self, or to establish relationships of any real intimacy -- and so gets to spend her declining years as a sad, older parody of someone who used to be famous for a while.

If I were Annie, and knew that "Obscenely Disingenuous" could be my epitaph, I'd work overtime to make sure that never came true.

But I'm only a Dog -- and, oddly, I seem to know better than Annie.

UPDATE (10/9/10): Well, it's nice to be agreed with, even in part.

She calls herself "the right-wing Judy Garland", now.

Barking At The Moon, Again

(Photo: Associated Press)

It strikes me that anything which doesn't bring us closer to answering two basic questions -- (1) Where and how the Universe (and everything in it) came from; and (2) What happens when we die -- is an utter, total and complete waste of time.

We already have a dearth of shiny objects that will hold our attention, and keep us from considering the larger questions of existence and death.

Holding Linsday Lohan's Attention: This, And Pills. And Girls.

It's true -- Lindsay Lohan going back to jail is a just such a sad tragedy; and Meg Whitman's face is threatening to slide down into her neck, leaving her with nothing but Peroxided blonde hair and big teeth (the better to eat everything I want, my dears); and Christie O'Donnell is just so pert 'n sassy and repressed that she wants to share that repression with everyone; and, the Rethuglian leadership rolled out a new Contract On America © which does nothing for anyone but President Boner, Reichminister Barbour and President McConnell, who lovin' what they get from dem billionaires; and, continuing rain on the Himalayan Plains flowing down to already devastated northern Pakistan is an actual tragedy. But, still.

America's Future: Our New Leaders Are Also Being Led

This, said by a dog with a hot-water radiator which can either (1) Be shut off, but the shutoff valve leaks some two four cups an hour and I have to perform a ridiculous exercise in catching, emptying, catching and emptying, all day, meaning I'm tethered to staying inside; or (2) I can leave the radiator's water valve open, and the temperature in my tiny apartment will become ten degrees hotter than the predicted 84 degrees outside, and I'll never get any sleep because apparently the radiator runs at night too.

Obligatory Cute Animal Photo In Middle Of Dog Rant:
Great-Grandfather Willy, Serving In World War Two

And, either (1) That's an ironic comment on our one-foot-in-the-cosmos, one-foot-on-a-dirty-linoleum-floor existence as humans, or (2) A situation that would make anyone contemplate the eternal mysteries.

Gotta go; the radiator's playing Schubert's Symphony Nr. 8 in C-minus For Assorted Pipes and Hammers again.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Recession Ends; No One Notices

WASHINGTON D.C. The National Bureau Of Economic Research (NBER)'s Business Cycle Dating Committee held a meeting yesterday, and agreed that the Great Recession, which started in the Fall of 2007, actually ended in June of 2009, or the end of Second Quarter.

There was little hoopla. The news was greeted with silence and laconic stares from passersby (a neat trick, as the meeting was conducted by phone).

"It was over a year ago?" Said Anna Loftgren, a mother of three who has been unemployed for 87 weeks and currently living in a friends' lawn mower shed. "I don't see there's any difference." Ms. Loftgren recently sold her children as test subjects in the cosmetics industry to pay down her credit card debt.

At the conclusion of the meeting, Robert Hall, Stanford University economist and Chairman of the NBER's Business Cycle Dating Committee, announced to the other members that he was very sorry, but that the NBER had considered various consolidation and reduction-in-force plans, and determined that they would all have to be let go.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Plus One Point Five Meters

Being a Dog, I'm fairly curious about things. So, with the help of Google Earth, Photoshop™, and a topographical map courtesy of the United States Geologic Survey, I produced a satellite image of San Francisco -- showing what it might look like if sea levels rose just three and a half feet (one point five meters).

(Click On Image For Enormous View Of The Future, © Google Earth)

For those of you living in The City, you can see relatively clearly what the effects would be: Ocean Beach disappears, and most of The Great Highway -- and (moving east around the peninsula) so does Baker Beach, Chrissy Field, Fisherman's Wharf and portions of North Beach. The Bay laps over the Embarcadero, pours out in China Basin and 3Com Park, and floods most of what had been the Naval Shipyards in Hunter's Point.

Looking at this pastiche of aerial photos, it may appear that the bulk of the city is untouched. That's true. But the encroachment of the Pacific on major traffic arteries, recreational areas, and the fact that the shoreline just moved adjacent to office buildings and homes is pretty clear.

But, hey; I live on Nob Hill, so I don't care. Can't wait.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Random Barking Friday

Barry Ritholtz, who I distrust for being a capitalist yet appreciate because he's a generally smart human being (the notion here is that we ought to live in a world where ideas matter, but where no one is willing to utter a lie, or harm or kill another to prove how great those ideas are), put up another interesting post today.

The relevant part:

I ripped into [both Left and Right] as corrupt partisan hacks. I favor the NASCAR endorsement approach for Congress-critters: They should all have to wear on their suit coats the stickers of their “sponsors” and campaign funders — like any NASCAR team...

[A person Ritholtz was speaking with] dances around my party affiliation, and I tell him I have none. Here’s why:

I am not a Democrat, because I have no idea what their economic policies are; And I am not a Republican, because I know precisely what their economic policies are.

Indeed, the entire left/right debate is false, an artificial framework for analyzing policy. In my mind, the real debate is the corporatocracy versus the individual.

And right now, the individual is losing...

Actually, I'd observe that our political structure is as riddled with corruption as some houses are with termites -- and that someday, the whole edifice of our illusory State, being held together by nothing but coats of Whitewash, will collapse on itself.

But, I'm only a Dog, and you know the rest.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Anfang des Öls

So... This Is Why The Rich Want To Get Richer?

According to Der Spiegel, The German Bundeswehr (Know what? There's Google Translate; for those without German, go look it up) performed an analysis of what a Peak Oil crisis might look like.

It had been circulating in draft among various German governmental departments as a highly classified study, until someone leaked the document; it hasn't yet been made available online.

Der Speigel reporter Stefan Schultz noted:

The study is a product of the Future Analysis department of the Bundeswehr Transformation Center, a think tank tasked with fixing a direction for the German military... [and] uses sometimes-dramatic language to depict the consequences of an irreversible depletion of raw materials. It warns of shifts in the global balance of power, of the formation of new relationships based on interdependency, of a decline in importance of the western industrial nations, of the "total collapse of the markets" and of serious political and economic crises.

The study, whose authenticity was confirmed to SPIEGEL ONLINE by sources in government circles, was not meant for publication. The document is said to be in draft stage and to consist solely of scientific opinion, which has not yet been edited by the Defense Ministry and other government bodies...

The leak has parallels with recent reports from the UK. Only last week the Guardian newspaper reported that the British Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) is keeping documents secret which show the UK government is far more concerned about an impending supply crisis than it cares to admit.

According to the Guardian, the DECC, the Bank of England and the British Ministry of Defence are working alongside industry representatives to develop a crisis plan to deal with possible shortfalls in energy supply. Inquiries made by Britain's so-called peak oil workshops to energy experts have been seen by SPIEGEL ONLINE. A DECC spokeswoman sought to play down the process, telling the Guardian the enquiries were "routine" and had no political implications.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

They Make Commercials

Get Out Your Buckets And Be Prepared To Use Them

I was in a laundromat early this morning; its owners unlock the doors at about 6:00AM, daily, turn on a local TopPop radio station, and leave until 10:00PM. While loading up the washer, I listened to a commercial for a local supermarket chain -- a woman's voice, telling me how certain produce items remind her of her childhood, of "the smell after my dad cut the lawn ... how my mom made lemonade... it all just reminded me of times and things you could count on."

We live in times when Citizens in the trenches are manipulated, daily, for our vote, our support; our money. This commercial was attempting to link buying things at Safeway™ with the idea of safer, more secure times, with childhood fun, mom and dad, and the smell of fresh-cut grass.

Safe And Secure, With The Smell Of Fresh-Cut Grass:
Memories From Everybody's Childhood -- Aren't They?

You know, childhood -- I mean, for those lucky enough to grow up in a house, with both a mom and a dad, and an actual lawn. Not like growing up in an inner-city housing project with Food Stamps, people smoking Rock on the stoop and fifteen-year-olds turning tricks, gang-bangers fighting for the Turf you live on and schools where pat searches happen every day.

I listened to the commercial because I didn't have a choice, and looked around for a bucket to throw up in. Then, on the Intertubes, I found something worse.

Nissan motors has recently released a teevee commercial (see it here) for it's newly-released electric auto, the 'Leaf'.

It features a big and cuddly actual Polar Bear, actual melting ice caps; a long journey, and a knowledgeable Consumer, whose smart "Earth-friendly" choice makes a friend out of Little Knut Of The Berlin Zoo, thereby proving that the motivations of animals are really just as reasonable and well-considered as our own.

Part of me thinks it's a well-made piece of commercial teevee work, knowing something about Maya and 3DMax, alpha-channel and traveling mattes, and I'm impressed with the result -- even more impressed that anyone has been able to train a Polar Bear, the largest land carnivore on the planet -- our 21st Century version of a furry T-Rex in the animal world.

The spot ends with the cute 'n cuddly Polar Bear giving (all right, I'll say it) a bear hug to the Consumer for purchasing a 2010 Nissan 'Leaf' electric car. Another part of me expects that the Polar Bear would rip the Consumer's face off and eat it.

The human being in me thinks this commercial is a typical corporate response: Identify the problem (solutions to which can affect our sales of, uh, 'hydrocarbon-based transportation delivery systems') with something cute and cuddly (therefore making it less 'serious' and more 'managable'). Then, identify the product in the mind of the viewer / listener with 'cute 'n cuddly'. Finally, use catchy images or phrases that will get people talking and go viral, and thereby boost sales, leading to profits, and I want to puke in a bucket.

"How's This? Cute And Cuddly Enough For You? Huh? Huh?
And By The Way -- You Didn't Even Taste That Good!!"

Has Nissan announced that the threat of Global Warming is so serious that they are immediately terminating their production of internal-combustion-engine vehicles, and will now produce nothing but electric automobiles for sale? No? Well, then this is just a cute, imaginative come-on from the propaganda arm of The Capitalist Structure We're Immersed In, and the big problem it references still exists.

Satellite View Of Southeastern Coast Of The United States,
With Projections Of Results Of 15-Foot Rise In Sea Levels
-- But, It's All Hippie Crap, And Anyway We'll Be Dead
(Image Based On 2007 NASA Report By Dr. James Hansen)

I'm only a dog, and no one listens to me. No one listens to the bears, either -- and sadly, they'll go extinct before Nissan does.